大谷翔平動画まとめ 大谷翔平の最新動画をまとめました / Shohei Ohtani
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Otani will be ot be pitching long he can’t do both, he was overpaid as well
Soto needs to hit like Bonds to deserve Ohtani type of contract. He has the potential to hit like Bonds if he takes PED and can pass the drug test…LOL
Did Juan learn to run and pitch recently?
Exactly people can’t understand Ohtani value is higher as a player but he also has a superior commercial value the media deal tv endorsements he has Japan behind him Toyota new balance you name it just in sales they make that money easy .
Soto is a bloated hype. Dodgers don’t need him at 600m. At 450m for 15 years, three years ago makes sense. Not now, and never at 600m.
So When did tito Ortiz get into mlb?
Jesus he not even no 2 in mpv..
Soto is not worth even 500 mil. The only thing he does better Ohtani is Defence for obvious reason and I say the fact ohtani can pitch cancels that out