大谷翔平の最新動画をまとめました / Shohei Ohtani
Shohei Ohtani (大谷翔平) comes just short of making history once again & MORE! | Flippin’ Bats
Shohei Ohtani (大谷翔平) comes just short of making history once again & MORE! | Flippin' Bats
🔴🔴【ドジャース緊急】フリーマンが試合直前にスタメン落ち!左肋骨の違和感…MVPトリオ2人欠場にスタンド騒然!大谷翔平2安打!山本由伸5回1失点で白星! MLB開幕戦で“レーザーポインター妨害”発生…
2025.3.18 大谷翔平 登場アナウンス ビジョン演出 MLB開幕戦
🔴🔴🔴大谷翔平の逆転劇!今季初ヒットが流れを変えた!山本由伸の好投を援護し、東京ドームが大熱狂「歓喜の渦!」!!久保建英がスペインでの“大谷翔平の現実”を暴露 【大谷翔平】
【MLB開幕戦】YOSHIKIによるアメリカ国家生演奏 #大谷翔平 #mlb #yoshiki #開幕戦 #ドジャース #カブス
【現地映像】大谷翔平のキャッチボールがリハビリ中とは思えなさすぎた#大谷翔平 #shoheiohtani #dodgers
Do you think we’ll get 20 wins 35 HRs? ^ ^
Babe Ruth was able to hit that many HRs because he stopped pitching. Babe Ruth only had one year in his career (1919) that he was great at hitting and pitching. On the other hand, Ohtani already has multiple seasons in which he is elite at both hitting and pitching. Ohtani is truly an unicorn.
Incidentally, he had some discomfort in his neck this morning, but decided it was not enough to bother the team, so he came on board. In the picture of Ohtani’s hand, his nails are cracked and he has a lot of blisters. He doesn’t rest for the team. He just wants to win.
while we continue to praise a special kind of player, the need for #17 to escape a poorly managed club in anaheim becomes more pressing as they allow ohtani, complaining of a stiff neck and all the next day, to remain in the lineup. either they are insane or don’t give a flip b/c he’ll be moving on after another losing season. very very sad situation
MLB has seen more fans because of Shohei.
I’m waiting for the one game where Ohtani throws a no-hitter and hits for a cycle. Might as well end baseball cause there’d be nothing more to see.
In 2021, Ohtani put together the greatest single season in MLB history. Then in 2022, he put together the greatest consecutive seasons in MLB history. And he’s well on his way to putting together the greatest 3 season stretch in MLB history. After this season, he’s a lock for hall-of-fame.
100 years from now =
Name a baseball player?: “Shohei Ohtani”
Average global federation citizen: “Overlord Ohtani played baseball before he dedicated his life to Space Force?”