大谷翔平の最新動画をまとめました / Shohei Ohtani
Shohei Ohtani (大谷 翔平) dazzles on the mound again to lead Angels to victory | Flippin’ Bats
Shohei Ohtani (大谷 翔平) dazzles on the mound again to lead Angels to victory | Flippin' Bats
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大谷翔平のMLB1年目の成績、改めて見るとエグいという事実【なんJ プロ野球反応集】【2chスレ】【5chスレ】
【大谷翔平】MLB公式が驚愕の予測!? 今季42本塁打!? 昨年54発の男にレジェンドOBが絶句「そんな低いわけがない!」全米が期待する真の数字とは!?【海外の反応】【日本語翻訳】
🔴🔴 「オオタニ?ウチなら簡単に抑えられる」…敵軍選手がまさかの“ドジャース軽視”発言!米メディアも呆れ「言ってること、大丈夫か?」
🔴🔴🔴【LIVE04日】「遂に処分決定!」!汚い行為の直後、大谷翔平が公式発表! 上原浩治は青ざめて、即座に謝罪!悲惨な結末が明らかになり、日本中が騒然としている!
Could Shohei Ohtani win the Cy Young?
I’m a big Ohtani fan, but I wouldn’t call that pitching “great” if trying to be objective about it. The first start was not “arguably better,” it was beyond dispute better. But I credit him with settling down after struggling, as you say, with serious command issues. As Mark Gubicza said during the broadcast, we might attribute it in part to the weather conditions as he seemed to have trouble getting good grip in the colder temps. It was reported during the game that Ohtani had never pitched in a game with temps below 50 degrees. So it’s not surprising he would struggle to adjust to that. And he still deserves a W for his first game when the bullpen blew the slim lead that he had after pitching so well for six innings.
What made him finish the sixth is when he saw Loup warming up. Perhaps he had thoughts about the Oakland game. Hope Loup regains his confidence and talent to shut down opponents when it’s really needed.
The Mariners studied Shohei’s pitches and said he changed his pitches in the 3rd inning and threw pitches that they have not seen or expected. Unicorn man.
Gotta love Shohei! The dude is definitely an Angel!
….for now. :o)
Not just his offense… The Angels did great to get the other runs. Let’s stop pretending he’s not on a team.
As usual, Shohei was being helpful getting the ball for the opposing team pitcher. That was funny & cute.
He didn’t do as good this game. But his calmness and adjustments were the key for him to get through 6 innings. It kinda helps when 2 of the plays were opposing runners got caught for trying to get one more base. One of them was an error but turned out to help tag out the guy at home base.