大谷翔平の最新動画をまとめました / Shohei Ohtani
MLB Network | “Shohei Ohtani is greatest Player of All Time” Mark Derosa on Angels def. Mariners 4-3
MLB Network | "Shohei Ohtani is greatest Player of All Time" Mark Derosa on Angels def. Mariners 4-3
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I’m 66 and saw Mantle play and Aaron and Clemente and Gibson.Lets not get out ahead of what Ohtani is or isnt.Patience my friends.Patience and enjoy the parade.
He’s not the best hitter, but he’s in the discussion. He’s not the best pitcher, but he’s in the discussion. He’s an all-rounder player. Jack of all trades this guy.
Everyone is entitled to his own opinion Derosa has his and if he feels Ohtani is the greatest that ‘s his view. Ohtani is doing what no other player has done and doing it at a high level so he deserves the accolades that he has gotten so far . We should just appreciate what we are seeing from a generational player who is doing things not seen by any one else in history! Who knows he may go down as one of the best, only time will tell.
Ohanti the real MVP.
Is Ohtani the most valuable player of all time? Possibly if not probably. However he is not the greatest hitter of all time and not the greatest pitcher of all time. The fact that he plays 2 positions at an extremely high level makes him enormously valuable. But any ballplayer that doesn’t play the field is not the greatest player of all time. Who wouldn’t take Willie Mays over Ohtani as a position player? Who wouldn’t take Koufax, Gibson , Randy Johnson or even Clemens in his prime over Ohtani. He’s a freak and an incredible weapon and will be the most sought after free agent in history but the greatest of all time, I think not. Dero needs to apologize to Ruth, Gehrig, Griffey Jr, Mantle and Ted Williams.
Great players play in October.
Elvis having 2000 hits completely surprised me thats insane
Just look at Bill’s face as the conversation takes place about whether “Stacy’s Mom” is a Weezer song or a Fountains of Wayne song.