大谷翔平の最新動画をまとめました / Shohei Ohtani
British Guy Reacts To The Greatest Athlete In The World 大谷翔平 | Shohei Ohtani
British Guy Reacts To The Greatest Athlete In The World 大谷翔平 | Shohei Ohtani
3月4日(火)【大谷翔平】ロサンゼルス・ドジャース vs シンシナティ・レッズ ライブ MLB ザ・ショー 25 #ドジャース #大谷翔平
佐々木朗希ブルペン登場!驚異のストレート公開 現地映像
MLBの洗礼を受ける大谷翔平 #shorts #大谷翔平 #mlb #野球 #ドジャース #プロ野球
再会‼️皆んな大好きバルガス🩷バルガスはバルガスだった🤣 【現地映像】3/2オープン戦vsホワイトソックスShoheiOhtani
He is without a doubt the most talented athlete the game has ever seen ! He is also the best ambassador for athletics across the globe ! But to be able to play both football and baseball is still the stuff of true legends !
He is never selfish, humble. sincerity. adorable; goofball, handsome.
He is a person who is loved by everyone.
A team with an elite pitching staff and average hitters will be more successful than a team with elite hitters and average pitching. An elite pitcher can shut down the best offensive lineups.
As a Japanese football and baseball fan, what he has done in the recent years is like one of the best defender like Sergio Ramos or Van Dijk playing in “Norwich”. And that kind of “defender” scoring 39 goals and 15assists in the Premire League.
And in the World Baseball Classic final, Mike Trout faced against Ohatni as a last batter of the USA. Trout is Ohtani’s teammate and also a GOAT like Messi and Ronald. I was so happy to see them. In footaball term, it is like Messi facing Ronald 1 on 1 in the last minute of the FIFA World Cup Final.
Shoheis Team Japan teammates Roki Sasaki & Yoshinobu Yamamoto, are both insane pitchers like him
If im correct Roki threw 102 in high school & in their first starts in the WBC Roki & Yamamoto combined for 16 strikeouts 8 SO each, they’re both nasty
Japan makes such filthy pitchers
It sounds weird but blisters can completely ruin your game as a pitcher. Pitching is all about feel, and getting a blister on your throwing hand can completely throw off the way you grip a ball and how it comes out of your hand.
Its exaggerated!! He is out for dinners! He just needed to tell when he was going out because he was young and the team wanted him not to be dragged into alcohol and womanizing. As for money, sponsors give him EVERYTHING! No need to buy anything.
He is HAPPY!! He always want to play baseball thats why he declined $200 million to come earlier than eligible for full free agency.
1:21 he has an existing contract with his Japanese team. If he waited to finish his contract by a couple of years more he is eligible for a full MLB contract. On his Japanese contract, just to have his team sign him there was a clause that if he wants to be posted(meaning he wants an MLB team to sign him), he can ask the team to have him posted earlier and void his remaining contract but in doing so he let go of his possible massive payday if he had waited just a bit more.
Oh that’s a total exaggeration about him spending $1000 a month and end up actually not even using it.
And i’m sure he does other things. LOL If he’s not spending it there he’s spending it from somewhere.
He’s still have to eat!! That’s more than $1000 a month already.
And yah, he’s rare alright. Not just pitching, hitting but also stealing bases, and running the bases like the wind. I think he’s happy.