大谷翔平の最新動画をまとめました / Shohei Ohtani
Shohei Ohtani (大谷翔平) & Japan go undefeated to win Pool B and advance | Flippin’ Bats
Shohei Ohtani (大谷翔平) & Japan go undefeated to win Pool B and advance | Flippin’ Bats
※閲覧注意👀大谷翔平が自打球直撃でTV中継でもはっきり聞こえる悲鳴を上げたと話題に!真美子夫人もびっくり!#shorts #大谷翔平 #野球
3月5日プロ野球ニュース&MLB大谷翔平、山本由伸、佐々木朗希 衝撃のOP戦デビュー。 今永昇太 開幕戦へ仕上がり順調 ! 松坂大輔 ・侍ジャパン 宮城&初選出メンバーが存在感
🔴【05日】『正直、ヤバすぎる…』敵将テリー・フランコーナが戦慄!佐々木の”無失点&5奪三振”に全米が崩れ落ちる! 佐々木の神ピッチングに山本由伸も脱帽!しかし結婚報道には動揺「マジで聞いてない!」
【大激震】目の前で見た大谷翔平侍トリオ登場!ついに勢揃い現地ファン恐怖の反応に衝撃のラスト! 【現地取材】
【最後3人比較】大谷翔平、山本由伸、佐々木朗希のスプリット比較!最も落差が大きいのは?#shorts#shoheiohtani #yoshinobuyamamoto #rokisasaki#スプリット
To answer the question “Do Americans teach that stealing other’s property is okay? ” YES WE DO! It’s called capitalism. In fact, how do you think we became a country? So yes that IS taught over here. Americans generally have no honor. Because there’s no honor amongst thieves.
Japanese people steal bikes all the time lol. Umbrellas and bikes are basically fair game
Let’s be honest they played China, Czechia, Australia, and a forever choking Korean team. This is the weakest Group out of all the groups in the tournament. The next round is where they start playing real teams. Let’s hope they can hang.
Thank you, Ben-san, for introducing our culture with your girl’s small gift! We Japanese were also moved by your video when you came to Japan. Please come to Japan again and enjoy our culture!
I thought fans aren’t allowed to keep the balls in Japan. I heard the security guard takes the ball back from people that caught it.
I know it’s amazing, but I think Ohtani should be analyzed more scientifically. Ohtani’s split is a “gyro rotation”, and this rotation lowers the “magnus effect” than the two seam, so it falls more.
However, Ohtani is not good at spinning like Verlander and increasing the “Magnus effect” by vertical rotation. Otani is not good at that, so I think he competes with side-spin sliders and gyro rotations.
Otani is the same as a fighter, and has a technique that breaks the opponent’s system and prevents him from batting. He uses the “negative Magnus effect”.
In Yamamoto’s pitching, as he says in this video, “Transmitting power from the bottom up,” Bruce Lee’s “Jet Kune Do” uses the transmission of power from the ground. Even with its small body, it produces a large amount of instantaneous force.
Bruce Lee’s martial arts power transmission using the so-called sacrum, I think, is due to his thorough knowledge of the human body structure. He applies it to baseball. That’s why a small human throws the ball with a small amount of force and a large amount of force in an instant. So it’s hard to hit. It’s martial arts.
Oh, really? I thought Shohei would be there until the end of the WBC. Then again, for me, this is the 1st WBC that I’ve watched (and I’ve been a baseball fan for many years; I just didn’t hear about it until last year). I have enjoyed this WBC so much. Team Japan is so strong, both in pitching and hitting. Shohei is their national treasure. It was proven to me after he crushed that home run. I was on my couch watching the game. I had to keep my scream to a minimum so as to not wake my mom. My hands flew to my face in shock and tears came. I was so proud of him. Then I heard about the fan who caught the ball passing it around for everyone to see. That was moving. I’ve never seen anything like this in my lifetime.