泰國大麻天堂還是地獄? 一時興起帶回國可能臨死刑風險!! | 曼谷自由行EP72

泰國大麻天堂還是地獄? 一時興起帶回國可能臨死刑風險!! | 曼谷自由行EP72

吸引大量遊客體驗 , 但許多人不了解背後的風險
例如新加坡 ,馬來西亞 ,甚至中國 ,只要驗出THC殘留可能面臨監禁 , 罰款 , 甚至死刑!
有些遊客貪圖新奇 , 結果在機場不小心帶回大麻產品最後惹上大麻煩
遊客常見的陷阱 , 以及各國對大麻的嚴厲懲罰
出國旅遊 , 千萬別因一時好奇而賠上自由甚至生命!

Since Thailand legalized cannabis in 2022, it has attracted a large number of tourists eager to try it. However, many are unaware of the risks involved. Some Asian countries have a zero-tolerance policy on cannabis, such as Singapore, Malaysia, and even China. If THC residue is detected, one may face imprisonment, fines, or even the death penalty! Some tourists, out of curiosity, accidentally bring cannabis products back home and end up in serious trouble at the airport. This video will give you an insight into Thailand’s cannabis market, common tourist pitfalls, and the severe penalties enforced by various countries. When traveling abroad, never let a moment of curiosity cost you your freedom—or even your life!

#大麻 #法律 #死刑

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