#ThailandNews #CannabisNews #LegalNews
Contact us at info@legal.co.th or by phone in Thailand at +66 2-266-3698 or USA Toll Free
タイのお遊び マリファナ合法化 と夜遊び動画をまとめてみました
#ThailandNews #CannabisNews #LegalNews
Contact us at info@legal.co.th or by phone in Thailand at +66 2-266-3698 or USA Toll Free
You try living next to a Cannabis farm that just sprung up from nowhere in the center of a village. A cash crop win for Thailand economy? Give me strength. The only one who voted for it smokes it. Oh dear the “growers” invested money so we can’t take the licence. Never mind the neighboring properties that people invested in for years or was passed from generation to generation, their investment is destroyed. Their property value fell down the toilet. Maipenrai smoke a joint and be artificially happy.
MSM is Full of Propaganda & Fear Mongering Pure BS.
Excellent post. Keep up the good work.
I’ve had a business In Thailand for more then 15 years. Last year was our best year yet. When they legalized cannabis I told my stepson to go get a growing licence. It’s been a nice little side hustle for us for more then 2 years now. If this was in Europe or the states we probably be drowning in permit costs right now.
After you suggested in a previous video the Thai government should tax cannabis I looked for videos about cannabis shops. I was surprised it wasn’t taxed especially after seeing how expensive Thai cannabis is. The lower grade cannabis is more expensive than the higher grade cannabis here in Hawaii, the most expensive state. I wondered why shops were empty in the walking tour videos I see