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What’s going to happen to Cannabis in Thailand?
What's going to happen to Cannabis in Thailand?
自宅で大麻所持し男(28)逮捕 営利目的で約100グラム 認否明らかにせず 法改正以降県内初
大麻 #shorts #bangkok #thailand #thaifood #cannabiseducation
SNSを利用し密売か 乾燥大麻などを所持した疑いで男を逮捕・送検 (24/10/04 12:04)
From what I understand ( Listening to Mr. Pita’s interview) . Even though Cannabis will be recriminalized but as long as you obtain legal permit to sell , there would be no problem. They just temporarily criminalized the substance till they pass all the laws to control . We will still have cannabis shop and business as long as we do it properly. For what we see now We can find them any where on the streets .
Good idea to do an interview but you did 90% of the talking
Wazza..it’s horrible stuff mate..smells bad never ever should of been decriminalised in the first place..Plenty of my mates have gone from the gunja to hard drugs..Don’t like the stuff..Never Will..!!
Shops in Chiang Mai are closing… lack of business. Prices are really droping. I asked the guy last week what 28g (1oz) of Thai Stick (the cheapest they had) Cost. 4,000 baht, $117us
Interesting to note that most parties want to ban weed again (although I don’t think that would be possible now), but not one party said a peep about outlawing kratom (which is very addictive and dangerous – not dissimilar to heroin). Big pharma are massively threatened by weed, as it heals people of most things and thus is a big threat to their “narcotics” business model as you said, yet they seem happy to allow the really dangerous stuff. Sadly, it tells you that the US and their pharma machine is most likely behind the orange and red parties.
all the best .will join soon
Ich gehe von einem Klumpenrisiko aus ähnlich der Mayonnaise auf den Pommes
I really hope they don’t ban it. Making pot medical only or illegal again will hurt their tourist industry and their economy. There are other countries in SEA with year round nice weather, beaches, Buddhist temples and that are cheaper to visit than Thailand. Pot is giving the country an advantage in the region I hope they make the right decision by regulating and taxing the industry vs outright banning pot again when the entire world is moving towards Marijuana legalization.
Unfortunately all these people jumped the gun, no law has passed parliament in regards to the recreational use of the drug, it was only decriminalized for medical and culinary purposes only as the motion before parliament reads, and that couldn’t even pass. But if people try and jump the gun this is what happens, they should have waited until the law was passed and gazetted before spending their money. Now it look’s certain to be added to the list of illegal narcotics again, probably a tough lesson learnt for these people.