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“The Additional Bonus of Cannabis” to the Thai Economy?
"The Additional Bonus of Cannabis" to the Thai Economy?
自宅で大麻所持し男(28)逮捕 営利目的で約100グラム 認否明らかにせず 法改正以降県内初
大麻 #shorts #bangkok #thailand #thaifood #cannabiseducation
SNSを利用し密売か 乾燥大麻などを所持した疑いで男を逮捕・送検 (24/10/04 12:04)
The cats out of the bag already. It’s a medicinal plant thousands of years old. With regards to cannabis legislation, Thailand should be proud of the historical steps it’s taking as a country right now in SE Asia. Not to mention what it will do to help local economy, tourism or otherwise. Regulate, yes.
Thought I read recently that much pot is now imported… and from the USA where growing regulations are less restrictive than in Thailand. If true, quite opposite when I grew up and we woudl feel special to get Thai stick 🙂
Recriminalizing or making it medical only will be extremely stupid. It will hurt their tourist sector and erase a ton of jobs and the potential for many Thais to get generational wealth from it. Rules and regulations must be put in place but reoutlawing is insanity.
It’s important to have a clear difference between the 2 because I used recreational for years. And now I only use medicinal and there’s a big issue in Thailand blocking The most therapeutic products which is the rick simpson oil extract… They need to wake up and stop tightly regulating certain aspects so that people can get quality medicine that Is required it
Roll another fat one
From my limited understanding,Thai farmers were promised 6000Bht per Kilo. There appears to now be such a glut available on the market that they are now widely unable to sell it at any price, and much of it will not be sold at all, and the farmers will sadly not profit at all. In fact they will lose out as they choose to plant Cannabis over their regular crops.
You need full legality to fully exploit the market opportunities, which are vast and highly lucrative. Soft touch regulation of the existing situation is all that’s required. There isn’t really a clear distinction between medical and recreational so avoid trying to make one. Allow adults to choose, and don’t stop this very new market before it has had any chance to mature. Legalisation of cannabis is happening globally Thailand is leading the way, providing many opportunities for Thai people, and much happiness to consumers from all over the world.
Please make ‘the definition of insanity’